Dental restoration is the process of replacing and restoring damaged teeth. “Dental restoration” is the collective term for treatments designed to rebuild, restore, or enhance tooth structure. It’s essential to the restoration of your oral health.
Dental restorations are procedures a dentist performs to help restore a tooth back to its normal function and shape. When a tooth is damaged, worn down, or no longer functional, your dentist in Rittman, OH may suggest a restoration to return the tooth to its original state.
There are many different reasons why patients may receive a dental restoration. Some reasons include the following:
Whatever the reason for restoration, it’s essential to get your teeth treated as soon as possible to prevent further damage and repair your smile. For more information about restorations and how they can help you maintain your oral health, schedule a consultation to speak with one of our skilled dentists today!
When you have a missing or damaged tooth, it impacts your ability to chew and speak properly. A gap in your mouth also invites other teeth to drift out of place and move over the space left behind by the lost tooth. This can create an imbalance in the bite that can affect the way the upper and lower teeth fit together. The imbalance can also put undue pressure on the jaw joint, leading to pain and difficulty when opening and closing the mouth.
Having a gap in your teeth can also cause bone loss in the area where the tooth used to be. When a tooth is missing, the bone in that area no longer receives any stimulation from the tooth roots. Without stimulation, the bone tissue begins to deteriorate and changes shape. Eventually, this can lead to a condition known as “alveolar atrophy.” This condition causes the jawbone to shrink and change shape so that the bone is no longer able to support a healthy tooth. This is why it is important to replace missing teeth as soon as possible to prevent damage to the mouth!
There are several types of dental restoration. The type recommended for you will depend on a number of factors, such as how much of your natural tooth remains and which tooth needs restoration.
The different types of dental restoration include the following:
Dental restorations are recommended when a tooth has decay, a crack or fracture, a chip, a cavity, or a tooth is worn down. Dental restorations are also helpful in replacing missing teeth.
To learn more about our dental services, call us at (330) 925-2986 or visit our dental office located at 314 N Main St, Rittman, OH 44270.
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